Route changes may be made for 2025 to reflect road work and general traffic avoidance. As always, look at the route immediately prior to your drive as last minute changes may be necessary to reflect road conditions.
Where does the route Start?
The route can be started at any POI on the loop and can be run in either direction.
When can I run the route?
Anytime from 12:01AM Saturday June 7 until 11:59PM Sunday June 22, 2025.
It’s a long route, do I have to run the whole thing?
No, you can run just the parts you want. However, you won’t score all the possible points.
Do I have to run the whole route on the same day?
No, we’ve spread out the event so that you can run it across multiple days. Most people will run it in one day.
Is a GPX route file available? I ride a motorcycle and can't easily use Google maps.
Yes, at bottom of The Drive page. It will be updated a few days prior to the Event.
Is a full route Google map available?
Yes, there are URLs for both clockwise and counterclockwise routes at the bottom of The Drive page.
Do I have to own a pig to participate?
Pig ownership is optional. And, to be honest, it’s not a frequently asked question.
Do I have to make a donation to register?
No, donations are voluntary but greatly appreciated.
If I make a donation to Gleaners, am I automatically registered?
No, donations and registration are not the same. Even if you give a donation first, you must also register through this site to score points. We must receive your information and your agreement to our Terms and Conditions in order for you to participate.
How do I sign up for a team?
Each individual in the team must first register to score points. In the registration form there is an optional space to put your team name. You will then be linked with that team. INDIVIDUAL points are added together for the team points.
What if I get lost?
The google map directions have embedded waypoints to keep you on the correct roads. However, we strongly encourage you have a GPS system or paper map with you during the drive. Additionally, we have published the coordinates of each Point of Interest on the Route list that you can enter into your GPS if all else fails.
How can I reach out to other participants?
We don't share other's contact information, but you can always post through our Facebook page - "The Tire Squeal".
I don’t eat Pork, can I participate?
Of course! All restaurants serve non-Pork meals.
How do I submit my pictures?
Mail to the address that is provided to you in your registration confirmation. They must be mailed from your registration e-mail address for us to make the match.
Can I run with others?
We encourage it – it’s more fun! Run with a team or meet up at the designated POI/Start time that will be provided to entrants prior to the start date.
When do I submit my pictures?
Anytime from 12:01AM Saturday June 7 until 11:59PM Sunday June 22, 2025. Submissions are not accepted before or after the event.
What if the weather is bad?
The event runs over several days, so hopefully there will be some nice days. In any case, the event runs regardless of weather.
What format should pictures be in?
JPG preferred, HEIC or other phone pc formats, or even BMP. But, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE no PDF files. Also, if you choose to reduce the size, don’t reduce too much! We need to be able to read the receipts!
Can anyone register?
No, you must be at least 18 years old to register.
How do I get my apparel?
All awards and apparel will be shipped to you. Rather than you paying a separate shipping charge, just make the appropriate donation to Gleaners and we will kick in the shipping as a thank you.
Be sure to fill in the info at registration, or send a message with your Registration number, name, shirt size and full shipping address to
I’ve seen other events use this route, are they associated with The Tire Squeal™?
No, The Tire Squeal™ is only this annual event and the Schweinefiletring™ is our trademarked property. We love it that others enjoy using the route throughout the year, but this is the real deal event!
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