Drive the published route (either direction) ANYTIME during the event period of June 7 – 22, 2025. It’s a self-directed loop route so you can start anywhere on the route. You must be 18 or older to register for the event. You can win prizes as described below.
- Top 3 individual winners and Top 3 team winners will be awarded prizes.
- Individuals participating on teams are eligible for prizes in both individual and team categories.
- Individual prizes are determined by the highest 3 points scores
- Individuals scoring at least 1700 points (if not already a Top 3 winner) will be eligible for a random drawing for prizes.
- Teams must have at least 3 points-scoring participants and can be any group (friends, business, car club, etc). Team members will have their points combined to score a team score.
- New for 2025! One team will win the new ‘Pork Medallion’ prize. Every team’s combined member score will be divided by the number of points-scoring participants on that team. This will result in a weighted team score that gives every team, regardless of size, an equal opportunity to win! The top scoring team wins the Pork Medallion prize. This prize can be won even if the team also wins a top 3 prize.
Drive points:
There are 10 points-of-interest (POI's) along the drive. POI’s will be recorded by the entrants via photos submitted from their registered e-mail accounts. Simply take a picture of the POI with your phone and e-mail it to the provided e-mail address.
- 30 points per official picture of points of interest along route (include POI + car) (30 x 10 = 300 points)
- 300 additional points for driving the entire route (ie., all POI’s recorded). For example, if you start the route at POI #7 and go clockwise, you’ll end at POI #6.
- All pictures must be submitted by 11:59PM June 22, 2025.
Dining points:
Dining points will be recorded by the entrants by photos submitted from their registered e-mail accounts. Simply take a picture of your receipt with your phone and e-mail it to the address provided when you registered.
- Food may be purchased at any restaurant along (or very near) the route.
- 1 Point per dollar spent at that restaurant – no limit to amount spent. Total bill including tips are counted from dated receipts. Pro tip: fill your car with hungry people to boost your points!
- Photo of dated receipt required, with your registration number clearly written ON THE RECEIPT.
- All pictures must be submitted by 11:59PM June 22, 2025.
Donation points:
Now through June 22, 2025, a special Gleaners Donation Page will be open for The Tire Squeal 2025. It can be accessed through our Donations page on this web site. You directly donate through that page and every dollar donated scores you an additional point ($1.00 = 1 point) subject to the following rules. Use only the Tire Squeal Gleaners Donation page so we can track your donation information and give you credit for your donation.
- There is no upper limit to the donation amount.
- Regardless of the donation amount, the maximum individual donation points awarded is 500.
- If an individual donates more than $500 and is also part of a team, the team will receive the individual's extra unused donation points with no upper limit.
- Example: Arnold Ziffle is registered and is part of Hooterville Car Club. Arnold donates $750 to Gleaners. When we total Arnold's individual points he will only receive the maximum of 500 donation points. However, when we total all the Hooterville team points, Arnold's extra 250 donation points will be added to the team's total score.
Wildcard Bonus points:
- A Riddle will be sent to registered participants one week before the event.
- The Riddle leads to an exact location along the route.
- Solving the riddle will score 300 points.
- A Secret Word will also be sent along with the Riddle with instructions on how to solve. Solving the Word will score 300 points.
- Solving both the Riddle and the Secret Word will score an additional 300 points.
- 900 Total points are possible.
- The Riddle and Secret Word will only be sent to registered participants and will NOT be published on line.
- Pictures of the Riddle and Secret Word solutions must be submitted by 11:59PM June 22, 2025.
Not quite as Wild Bonus points:
- 200 points for creating/displaying an event logo on your vehicle.
- You can download The Tire Squeal logo or create your own! Participating as a team? Create a team logo for your whole crew to use!
- Send picture clearly show your vehicle wearing it's logo.
- All pictures must be submitted by 11:59PM June 22, 2025.
Individuals can be on more than one team. However, these limitations apply:
- If you want to be on multiple teams, you must submit a unique registration for each team you want to join. Different e-mails MUST be used for each registration.
- You must submit different points photos for each registration (can't use one pic for different teams)
- Only eligible for one individual prize
- Donations will only apply to the matching e-mail address entered with donation
- Food points will go to the entry number written on the receipt
New for 2025! TEAM-ONLY points:
Eligible teams can now score more team points. These points do not count toward an individual’s points but will be added to the team’s total. Only one submission is needed. Choose a captain to submit the points.
- Passel photo: Get your team together for a group photo! Passel photo scores 500 Team points
- Mascot photo: Create a mascot for your team! Must be a 3-dimensional physical object, not just a photo or drawing. Send a creative picture of your mascot along the route! Mascot worth 500 Team points.
- All pictures must be submitted by 11:59PM June 22, 2025.